get unstuck

What is good for society is not good for the individual!

This was the exact insight I had in 1977, after I read the book, Brave New World.

I lived in communist Hungary at the time. I was an award winning architect, the daughter of a statesman, and suddenly I had the insight: the great system, the great idea of “nobody left out” left everyone left out.

There was no room for individual achievement. For individual growth. For being an individual. That wasn’t part of the deal: if you were, you suddenly weren’t part of the everybody, you were the one left out.

Human evolution happens through individual evolution, but in the most advanced, the most prosperous, the most efficient, productive nations people are dumb as a door knob.


get unstuck

Myopic? Narrow Minded? Stop on the surface? I need two more comments!

Having a child is like causing your own immortality. Your genes live on in your child, and your ego really wants that child to be the best… better than you.

You want to live through your child, and you want it to be glorious, even if your actual life is… hm… shitty?

The child, by the way, considers this an unfair binding… and resents it, wiggles out of it… the child wants to be free, make her own mistakes… have a life that is hers alone.

That is the norm.


get unstuck

Seeing what you cannot see

Why slowing down is a good move, a good strategy, but not a solution by itself?

One of the biggest missing is seeing the big picture. It’s across the board, and across all levels of intelligence.

Seeing the big picture is a practice, not a capacity.

You cannot see the big picture, until you stop, step back, and look.

Now, here, at the looking level, your vibration, your intelligence, your experience, your knowledge level is very important: you can’t catch what you don’t see, and you can’t see what you haven’t seen before.


get unstuck

Let’s talk about sexual preference

Twice in my life I had a choice to choose being attracted to women… I mean mainly.

The first time the choice was made for me: when the woman found out that I had no history of being attracted to women, she said: “I won’t do that to you.” I was about 22.

The second time I found myself turned on by a woman dancing, and I clearly saw a choice. I saw that I could choose to pursue that, but with that I would choose a life of hiding, a life of not fitting in, a hard life. I chose not to go for it.

As a sex therapist, coach, I talk to a lot of people.

I don’t buy that you are born gay. You are born normal, but are turned at some point.


get unstuck

One surprise side effect of fighting the mite epidemic…

There have been a surprise side effect to fighting the mite epidemic: people are able to see if they are conscious or not, if they are awake or not, if they are in their head or not.

Now, that doesn’t seem like much… after all they have to do it, because otherwise the mites kill them, maim them, or just plain make them miserable.

But the truth is a lot simpler and at the same time a lot more complicated: awareness doesn’t care what you are aware of. Awareness, once it there, is aware of a lot more than where it’s directed.

So, people got aware of their attitude, their forcefulness, their moods, their actions, their inner monologue… and, surprise, this sudden awareness, this sudden bringing conscious awareness, consciousness to life, has started to raise people’s vibration.


get unstuck

Spells, curses, spell casting, spellworking… WTF?

If you read my horror story about Ayahausca, you know that the number of attachments on people were in the 30’s, and the type were spells… killing spells.

Even I got a bunch, because I didn’t cloak myself… Now I do. I got curious about spells… I am an educated woman, and spells belong to the uneducated and imaginative… My opinion strictly. I mean wanting spells, “getting” spells, and such. I am not necessarily talking about the witches, at least not all of them.

Compared to these witches and sorcerers, shamans, and other showy practitioners, I am a lame housewife, a pedestrian… sitting in my underwear by the computer, connect, find and grab the attachment with my hands, and pull until there is no more… No poetry, no drama, no formidable… lol. No magik.


get unstuck

Hangout and other delightful stuff… why does horoscope work?

How is this for this week’s horoscope?

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Am I reading the astrological omens correctly? I hope so. From what I can tell, you have been flying under the radar and over the rainbow. You have been exploiting the loopholes in the big bad system and enjoying some rather daring experiments with liberation. At this point in the adventure, you may be worried that your lucky streak can’t continue much longer. I’m here to tell you that it can. It will. It must. I predict that your detail-loving intelligence will paradoxically guide you to expand your possibilities even further.

And how is it possible that it would be the perfect time the perfect answer to me?

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you yet another thing that makes no sense, and yet it’s happening… like attachments, seeing mites, like guidance, like everything I have been dealing with the past 5 years or so.

On a different note: I got a great idea from Roy Williams yesterday… here is his Monday Morning Memo:


get unstuck

Ayahuasca opens you and your friends up to be annihilated

Humans are the hapless, ignorant, trappers of their brethren.

I have written about the client who, without asking me, went and done an Ayahuasca retreat, then continued to drink that stuff after he returned home.

Result: I needed to do 200+ dollars worth of work on him, 200+ dollars worth of work on a friend of his, and then 200+ dollars worth of work on me.

These are the people who we know were effected.

The spells (attachments) were debilitating and painful. I experienced them both directly and indirectly.


get unstuck

What is your approach to spirituality? Feminine and Masculine? Osho on silence

This article is not for everyone. If you haven’t been a seeker, this is not for you. This article is quotes from an email conversation with a client who can’t create a powerful blockage to energetic, malicious, attachments and spells…

What is your approach to spirituality? Feminine and Masculine?

Feminine is: waiting for it to come to you, passive.

Spirituality, access to the beyond, your relationship to life needs to be feminine… an agressive male approach will take you away from what you are trying to accomplish.

This whole topic came up because a student of mine needs to frequently cloak herself. She also wants to bubble.

Cloaking is very easy, and enough for temporary protection against attachments, but she wants to bubble herself too. Why? I didn’t ask.


get unstuck

Penetrating the mysteries of existence

There are two kinds of thinkings… or really maybe three.

You grab onto something about what you hear or see, attach it to what you already think you know… and then either go deeper, or not, but definitely not go wider. Most people “think” this way.
This is really the third way: no thinking… lol
This is what I want to talk about in this article… holographic thinking. This is an uncommon way of penetrating the mysteries of existence…

Let’s define what we are talking about.