get unstuck

At any moment you are either growing or you are dying

At any moment you are either growing or you are dying… but how do you go from dying into growing again?
You can plan for survival, and you can plan for growth

The most important difference, from your point of view is this:

When you plan for survival, every setback threatens you with death, or poverty, lack, illness or shame.

When you plan for growth, every setback is a new opportunity to use your skills to now grow from this new level.

get unstuck

What is the real goal of getting more productive?

Articles and books that teach you to be more productive try to appeal to a part of you that you may not have… The industrious part.

So they more often than not miss the boat… and you continue being unproductive.

So how does your day look? You are doing things slowly. Unorganized. Listless.

It is distasteful to you to do what you need to do because… because what you value most is your free time. Free from obligation, free from anything that needs to get done, or has to get done, or should get done.

get unstuck

You’d rather be right than be happy or rich…

You’d rather be right than happy, you’d rather be right than rich… Your microexpressions will give you away

I had a few remarkable experiences the past few days.

The conclusions from these experiences make me mad, angry, bitter, and hopeless… but that should not surprise you: the condition of humanity is hopeless.


get unstuck

A new lease on life. How I got, unexpectedly, what joy is

Last night I had a conversation with myself and Source.

As I shared in my previous post, I have lived my whole life based on an untrue assumption that I was living on borrowed time, and at any time it can be taken away.

I saw that life needs to be set up in a way that matches that base assumption: don’t own anything, travel lightly, don’t get attached, don’t… don’t… don’t…

Don’t love deeply…

All to avoid personal loss. Because all can be taken away in a heartbeat.

It’s not that ‘they’ rob you, you are preemptive: you don’t allow you to have anything.

This sums up my life pretty accurately.

So, the conversation, last night, was about what was the biggest missing that I can put back in now.

We settled on joi de vivre (French for ‘joy of living’, joy of being alive). Source said I can have it.

Activating a feeling and a behavior consistently delivering that feeling is much like activating a capacity after it is turned on… it takes attention, awareness, and action.

Of course, you don’t quite know what action, but you’ll see it.

It started when I jumped under the frigid covers on my bed, cold, miserable, panting.

Then I had the thought that I could actually enjoy it, feel it, like an adventure. I could allow joi de vivre to call the day, not the shock of the cold covers.

That I had a choice.
As it turns out, ‘joy of life’ or even simply joy or happiness is a choice.
It doesn’t come from the circumstance, it comes from within… the willingness to pay attention to what is enjoyable, while having room, having permission for the not enjoyable to be there as well.

You can’t have joy if your attention is on trying to will away what you don’t like.
You can’t have joy if you simply tolerate what you don’t like.
And, of course you can’t have joy if you are just surviving what you are going through.
You can’t have joy unless you allow what is, and then find something enjoyable in the situation.

I have been really good at finding funny in situations. And now I can add: finding the enjoyable.
28 years ago I was really depressed when the phone rang. A person I didn’t know called. The conversation went in unexpected ways: she suggested that I would benefit from attending ACOA, adult children of alcoholics. No one drinks in my family… but when she read to me the symptoms, they fit.

The first and most important symptom is ‘I don’t know what fun is’

I didn’t know what people meant by fun. I am, just now, starting to see, that what people call fun is the enjoyment of what one is doing, what one is experiencing, in the moment.

But what people call fun all comes from the belief that fun is a result of something outside of you, something you do, something you take or eat or drink.

So it is not joy… Joy is a result of choice. Choosing where to put the attention, while allowing everything else to remain the same. Choosing is finding. Finding something to enjoy.
Joy is NOT addictive. Fun

get unstuck

How does David Hawkins test vibrations? How do I?

One of the things I do as a ‘marketer’ is check how people get to my site,

One of the interests that bring people here is trying to get an answer to the question: ‘how does Hawkins test vibrations?’

And although it is a good question, an even better question would be: ‘what does David Hawkins mean by vibration?’ that he comes up with numbers so different from mine. Example is Mother Teresa. According to David Hawkins, her vibration is 700. According to my muscle test she vibrates at 300.

get unstuck

Get paid your worth… The worst advice ever

If I got paid what I am worth, I would be screwed. I really believe that I am worthless.

Instead I get paid what my work is worth to the buyer.

I have serious doubts about my own worth, but I have no doubt that my products work, my coaching works, my energies work, my services deliver what I promise.

It seems like I have a contradiction, but I don’t.

One of the reasons you struggle, because you have imprecise thinking. You are not astute.

Astute is a person who can tell apart different things with certainty.

One of the things you have been unable to tell apart is what is being said and what you add to it.


get unstuck

Can Karma put a cord or attachment on you?

If you believe in Karma

Karma (in Hinduism and Buddhism: the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.) is an action that, according to Indian philosophy, needs to be countered with another action.

There is good karma and there is bad karma.

Karma is a method to imprison you. Imprison? Yeah… Truth be told: A good action doesn’t balance a bad one, and no matter what you do, a bad action is a bad action. Done. Over. Next.

Karma acts on you like an energetic attachment. Not the action, no. The belief of karma energetically attaches yourself, anchors you and leaches your aliveness.

Karma is a lot like the national debt: it cannot be worked off, paid off, by design. You are always in debt, and that’s that.

This whole inquiry started from a recent insight I had: that people from India or Pakistan, originally or still live there, have disproportionately more attachments than “normal” people with different belief system.

What creates the attachment? It is a strong emotional connection, in Karma’s case.


get unstuck

Updated: Lots of small miracles — a miraculous life

Sometimes you only know where your “therefore’s” were when you are on the other side of it.

But even then, unless you are awake and aware, you won’t witness the small miracle… And you know, anything that is not witnessed: it is like it never happened. You don’t learn from it, you don’t grow from it, you don’t actually change from it. It is like a flash in the pan… a storm blown over… like so what… Which means: you wasted your money, and you are actually wasting your life.

I am definitely conscious of the small miracles I create, the small miracles of my own doing. I don’t worry or even count good things happening to me, or even bad things happening to me. Unless I caused it… it won’t even show up on my radar.

I know most of you have been trained to be victims of good things… but victims nevertheless. Unless you start to pay attention to things you cause, you are going to remain a victim.


get unstuck

Your dominant belief gone: It is actions that change your life, but what is there to do?

Note: In this article I will use action and behavior interchangeably…

If you have ever attended a course on making money, or starting a business, you will recall the leader’s frantic call for “massive action.” Then they achieve a whopping 1% actually doing it.

Why is this call frantic? Why does it have to be said? And why does it fail?

Because people have a life already, perfectly and totally defined by their current actions.

Actions come from a place that is unfamiliar or unknown to most people. Most of the actions are habitual, ineffective, and there is no room for new actions, or the new, prescribed actions directly conflict with the habitual actions.