get unstuck

The Truth About Western Medicine and the Rise of Remote Healing

The Truth About Western Medicine and the Rise of Remote Healing

It is no secret that western medicine has a low truth value when it comes to diagnoses and treatments. In fact, research shows that up to 70% of cancer diagnoses are false positives, leading many to question the credibility of this medical system.

Moreover, western medicine tends to focus on addressing symptoms rather than getting to the root cause of a health issue. This often results in prescribing pills or undergoing procedures that simply mask the symptoms, rather than providing a long-term solution.

get unstuck

If adaptability is the most fundamental predictor…

…then your most important concern should be: how can I can more adaptable … right?

In you our relationship to life so you can have more chance for a happy life.
Darwin said that the species that is the most adaptable to changes will survive.
One can also say that it is true not just for a species but also for individuals.

Adaptable doesn’t mean meek, doesn’t mean able to subsist in suboptimal circumstances, it actually means being able to thrive no matter what’s going on. Adapt and initiate.

get unstuck

Finally I decided to end hope and start a side-hustle

Finally I decided to end hope and start a side-hustle… or why you aren’t growing.

My favorite part of the book, The Science of Getting Rich isĀ  where he says: Start where you are.

Most people do their life half-assed, build half-assed projects, hoping that doing that they can have what they want: success, love, fulfillment… but that is not the way to go.

get unstuck

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from ADD, frustration, depression, anger, and more
“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”
Of all the 10 starting point measurements, the most telling is your TLB score.

It tells me, and it tells you, how much discomfort you are able to experience and not run away mentally, emotionally, or physically. And therefore it tells you whether you can have the good life, health, wealth, love and fulfillment… or not.

Its activating mechanism is below your conscious awareness, and is quite habitual.

In modern parlance they call it “Attention Deficit”… but it’s B.S.

As long as there is no structural difference between an ADD person’s brain and a person who can stay planted… attentive, it is more a habit than a disease.

get unstuck

Please don’t be optimistic. Optimism is a delusion

Most of the things that make sense are wrong: optimism, hope, big desires, motivation…

It’s the last day of 2014, and there is an undue optimism in the air. A stranger even said hello to me in the street…

Even more than at the beginning of spring… the calendar is telling you that hopefully 2015 will be different.

You will lose the weight, you will find the job of your dreams, you will get out of debt, you will start that business, you will find the love of your life.

get unstuck

Why do I measure so much in the Starting Point Measurements?

Have you asked yourself the question why I have such a long list of measures in the Starting Point Measurements?

After all, there was a time when I only offered your vibration number and your soul correction… wasn’t that enough?

Maybe yes, maybe no.

The more ways I get to look at you and give you feedback the more potential access you have to actually turn your life around, and become an expanding human being.