get unstuck

Boys, Girls, Gender, and coming to peace…

Boys… I used to want to be a boy.
They seem unperturbed. They laugh a lot.

Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off…

I really love this picture. It tells me that boys have more fun.
I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. And I knew it was only a matter of time. I KNEW that I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. Although I didn’t know what was cut off, I knew that whatever it was I needed it.
I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.
I knew I wasn’t welcome, I knew that boys had more of everything. They were loved more. And knew it was permanent.

get unstuck

You’d rather be right than be happy or rich…

You’d rather be right than happy, you’d rather be right than rich… Your microexpressions will give you away

I had a few remarkable experiences the past few days.

The conclusions from these experiences make me mad, angry, bitter, and hopeless… but that should not surprise you: the condition of humanity is hopeless.


get unstuck

A new lease on life. How I got, unexpectedly, what joy is

Last night I had a conversation with myself and Source.

As I shared in my previous post, I have lived my whole life based on an untrue assumption that I was living on borrowed time, and at any time it can be taken away.

I saw that life needs to be set up in a way that matches that base assumption: don’t own anything, travel lightly, don’t get attached, don’t… don’t… don’t…

Don’t love deeply…

All to avoid personal loss. Because all can be taken away in a heartbeat.

It’s not that ‘they’ rob you, you are preemptive: you don’t allow you to have anything.

This sums up my life pretty accurately.

So, the conversation, last night, was about what was the biggest missing that I can put back in now.

We settled on joi de vivre (French for ‘joy of living’, joy of being alive). Source said I can have it.

Activating a feeling and a behavior consistently delivering that feeling is much like activating a capacity after it is turned on… it takes attention, awareness, and action.

Of course, you don’t quite know what action, but you’ll see it.

It started when I jumped under the frigid covers on my bed, cold, miserable, panting.

Then I had the thought that I could actually enjoy it, feel it, like an adventure. I could allow joi de vivre to call the day, not the shock of the cold covers.

That I had a choice.
As it turns out, ‘joy of life’ or even simply joy or happiness is a choice.
It doesn’t come from the circumstance, it comes from within… the willingness to pay attention to what is enjoyable, while having room, having permission for the not enjoyable to be there as well.

You can’t have joy if your attention is on trying to will away what you don’t like.
You can’t have joy if you simply tolerate what you don’t like.
And, of course you can’t have joy if you are just surviving what you are going through.
You can’t have joy unless you allow what is, and then find something enjoyable in the situation.

I have been really good at finding funny in situations. And now I can add: finding the enjoyable.
28 years ago I was really depressed when the phone rang. A person I didn’t know called. The conversation went in unexpected ways: she suggested that I would benefit from attending ACOA, adult children of alcoholics. No one drinks in my family… but when she read to me the symptoms, they fit.

The first and most important symptom is ‘I don’t know what fun is’

I didn’t know what people meant by fun. I am, just now, starting to see, that what people call fun is the enjoyment of what one is doing, what one is experiencing, in the moment.

But what people call fun all comes from the belief that fun is a result of something outside of you, something you do, something you take or eat or drink.

So it is not joy… Joy is a result of choice. Choosing where to put the attention, while allowing everything else to remain the same. Choosing is finding. Finding something to enjoy.
Joy is NOT addictive. Fun

get unstuck

So you want to become a healer?

Energy Healing, Energy Healers
People want to become healers. It is all ego, pride, a way to go around doing their own spiritual work.

Thousands upon thousands search to become Reiki “Masters”… they are not a master in anything, barely can tie their shoe laces, but they are Reiki Masters. Yeah, right.

It’s the best racket of our age:wave your arms, and get paid. No one can see energy, no one can measure energy, and only a very small percentage of people can feel energy. And when they don’t… it is their fault, isn’t it?


get unstuck

What makes you quit?

Arrogance is your mind saying that you already know everything there is to know

No matter what level of the vibrational scale you are, your aspects will do what your aspects do. The difference is how YOU will behave, how you will react to it.

I have been observing it for a while. It has become predictable. And yet, I am still always surprised.

The mind, every time I find out something, distinguish something, predictably says: “OK, Now I really know everything.”

It is both annoying and funny. Especially if you consider that since age three your mind has been preventing you, discouraging you to learn anything important, and you’ve never caught up.


get unstuck

Evolution, social genes, and brain plasticity

Your social genes haven’t changed in the past 200,000 years. They are still the same as when humans were hunter gatherers, the stone age. Social genes are the genes that define behavior.

Where do we see this? Hunter-gatherers were not adventurous. They didn’t go hunting again, until they had to. They preferred to share, to be nice to each other, that way they didn’t have to risk confrontation. This lived in clans, hunted in clans, and followed the leaders.

They judged everything by their first impression of it, or by prejudice: they didn’t experiment, didn’t stop to think, didn’t give second chances. A wolf in sheep’s clothing would be accepted as sheep.

And yet, this bunch of scared followers now live in cities, drive cars, study at universities.


get unstuck

Change your brain… and you can change your life

It seems it is video-day here in my house… today. Mind you, I am not quite doing it for entertainment, I am looking for some solution.

In my coaching calls and even watching, observing myself, I have realized that some foundational skills are missing. They are the kind of foundation without which you simply can’t have what you want, you can’t feel better about yourself, and you can’t accomplish much of anything worth writing home about.

So I have to either find a way or make one, to teach you the missing skills.

In this case I’d prefer to find a way, after all if someone is already teaching it, why invent the wheel.

One of the videos I found is a TEDx talk by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the founder of the brain plasticity based brain training center.


get unstuck

You live in a machine called racket and….

…and you feed the machine, unwittingly
Every single human (and to a certain degree lots of animals) has automatic ways of being, that could be called a machine, because their behavior is predictable, it is machine-like. Push a button and outcomes the same result, every time.

Every person I know is, more or less, an emotional wreck… a thinly disguised heap of upsets, fears, anxieties, and other very unpleasant feelings. As an empath I see the disguise and feel the truth.

The gap between what you’d like to be, calm, collected, smart, graceful, close, intimate, effective, important, creative, productive, etc. and the reality, the truth: you are bogged down by bad feelings, bad thoughts, doubts, insecurities, fears… stuck, stuck, stuck. In survival mode alternating with sudden bursts of inspiration, hope, etc.

The people who visit this site can be divided to two distinct groups:


get unstuck

How much good are you able to receive? A gram? A ton?

Your ability to receive depends on the size of your cup… or the empty space in your vessel.
A vessel is like a cup. If you are buying stuff but aren’t receiving value from what you buy, your cup may be too small, or your cup may be full with stuff you already know, you already do… your cup may even be overflowing…
Your vessel and your actions
It’s a psychological fact that you choose to buy something or not to buy it emotionally and then, after you bought it, you justify it rationally.

Whether it is to choose a partner, choose your work, choose a project, or to buy something like a course is immaterial: the psychological fact remains: you buy with emotion and justify it later with your mind.

But how does it really work? Why do you really choose certain things and say no to others?