get unstuck

Are you good? Are you bad?

Our last Playground, earlier today, was on the topic of “good/bad.”

It’s a great topic. Why? Because you are limited by that, good and bad, more than most any other adjective: you want to be good, you need to be good, you pretend to be good, you fancy yourself as a good person, you sell your soul to be thought of as good. God will let you into heaven if you are good… you go to hell if you are bad… blah, blah, blah. Lots of greed, lots of suffering around good and bad.

As a foreigner I watch it with fascination. Good and bad is worn like a uniform, covering up a ton of anxiety.


get unstuck

Inspirational quotes that make you feel worthless… How Facebook screws you up

Someone gave me a framed poster some 20 years ago. I have hated it that long… Today it became useful.

Some of the inspirational quotes we read are not inspirational at all, until we get to a place that they are useful. Inspiration as a momentary good feeling is useless, or even harmful. In the comparison, the mind’s habitual activity, we always come out smelling bad.

Unless you can really use it to get yourself a new attitude, a new direction to move in, they are good on the surface, but destructive on the inside.

Why? Because it makes you feel even less apt, even less valuable, courageous, worthy, smart, confident, etc. than you were when you first looked at the quote.

This poster reads: “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal”

Now, stop for a moment, close your eyes, and experience yourself, your emotions, your mind, reacting to the saying.


get unstuck

The Bottomless Pit that Greed is