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The key to attainment is…

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It helps you to bring a kind and sober eye to what you see…
But it is you who needs to do the looking.
One tool to force you to do the looking is my articles. In almost every article asks you to look at yourself, and if you told the truth, if you looked, you would see something ugly about yourself. If not, then you are lying. Those of you that got stuck at a relatively low vibration, in spite of your participation, are unwilling to look. So you lie.
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People ask my why I discontinued the Playground.
After all I loved that program… so why not continue indefinitely.
Two reasons: 1. There were only four participants. But that is not enough reason. 2. The Playground is a knowing yourself program, but knowing yourself needs to be done by you, not by me. People kept coming, but they didn’t continue the work of getting to know themselves at home, in their own time… So all that “self-knowledge” work I did with them was wasted.
Why? Because stronger forces won… You’ll see in this amazing talk, 40 years ago by Osho.
What’s wrong with my Wife?
29 August 1974 am in Buddha Hall THE NINTH SAYING
Self-knowledge is the most difficult thing – not because it is difficult, but because you are scared to know about yourself.
Read the rest of this amazing talk on my Osho page
More on Osho
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We could say that people with this soul correction stop at the surface, if there were no other dimension. Paper thin reality is where they fancy they live, where things are what they appear to be.
But reality is more like an iceberg: every spot goes deep below the visible, several layers, into the dark depths of the ocean.
Living on the surface, considering the visible to be all there is, gives you a life that is as vulnerable as it gets. You are not dealing with it all.
As I said in my last article, life is drab, drudgery, boring, and meaningless… unless you blow magic dust over it.
Here are a few examples that illustrate the principle of magic:
I am using pictures with a well-known story to illustrate the point…
A few years ago I asked my little brother to look at some pictures I was putting on a gallery. His feedback to me was… “What?! just pictures!?!?!?”
That really made me think. An ordinary person, like my brother, without a context, without a story only sees the drab, the mundane, the boring, the ordinary.
I was thinking of making this an article, but I think, as a question and answer type of post it will work better…
I am sure after reading this, you will have plenty of questions. Please post them in the comment section of this post: that way I can answer many readers all at once. Thank you. PS: Important: Read the summary at the end about the bug free mind, the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Question #1: So, I have been observing my thoughts and emotions as they come up just like you mentioned and I am learning to surrender to everything, including negativity.
I have heard that surrendering to negativity involves feeling the emotion in its full form instead of trying to suppress them.
When you feel an emotion of sadness and start to have some tears instead of suppressing them, are you doing it right?
Because at the same time, I do not want to be giving energy to these negativity and hence manifesting them so yeah…
Warning: this is a long article! don’t start to read it if you have short attention span.
Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!
Change is the only permanent thing in the Universe
But do you know that there are many kinds of changes, and some are more desirable than others?
This article is about the types of change you will encounter while doing the work to raise your vibration.
I just read an article that was re-published on 15 thousand sites! obviously, it resonated with people. The article’s title is “15 things you should give up to be happy”.
Now, I read the article, and I can promise you that it has never changed anyone’s life for the better.
Why? Because giving up is a head-on action, like fixing.
When you face the thing you “should” give up, you are supposed to give up to be happy, the thing is right across your face, occupying your whole mind.
I am most famous for my ability to distinguish. Distinguishing is a rare capacity, the ability to tell the forest from the tree. It is solidly based on the ability to peel off layers so one can get to the root… and often below the level that used to be considered the root. Layer below layer below layer.
This past week I had the good fortune to go deeper yet again.
You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want
Warning: this is a very advanced article. You should probably start with the easier ones if you are here for the first time. OK?
An interesting glitch in the nature of reality is that our driving desire, the answer to our dreams, the one thing that would seem to fix our complaints doesn’t fix anything.
We could say that you can’t fix what’s not broken. and actually it would be a very astute remark.
But if that is the case, that the thing we are trying to fix isn’t broken, why does it seem that, what we most complain about not having, would fix it?