get unstuck

In nature, seniority doesn’t earn you anything

In workplaces people earn extra money etc. because they have been there longer than others.

In nature, seniority doesn’t earn you anything. Seniority is a socialistic, communistic notion where what you do, how well you do it, how much you do, does not matter. A sure way to create generations of people who don’t know how to produce, don’t grow, but feel entitled, and in effect they are freeloaders.

Then add the welfare system, the food stamps, the current trend of chanting: take care of the disadvantaged, and we end up with a society where it’s not worth to be good, to be a producer, to work even.

And we end up with a humanity that is steeply declining.

There is another phenomenon, the squeaky wheel: the ones that make the most noise, are the most demanding, that get the attention.


get unstuck

So I am reading ‘Creating A Bug Free Mind’

The package, big like a tomb stone, arrived this week. I wish they had it on Kindle… but I guess they want to control every step of the sales process. Hm. Interesting. It tells me everything I ever wanted to know about Andy and his team… NOT customer centric. All about themselves. All about money.
Andy’s vibration is 130… even thought the truth value of the book is 10%.
The package is two books, both big and thick. The first: Creating a bug free mind, and the second: using a bug free mind. Ultimately the idea of this two step process that made me use Andy Shaw’s book as an experiment: everyone stops at teaching, no one seems to continue into the troubles of actually teaching you how to use, and guiding you in using what they taught.


get unstuck

What is the difference between winners and losers?

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life
– think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the
brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body,
be full of that idea, and just leave every other
idea alone. This is the way to success.

Swami Vivekananda


get unstuck

Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a ‘practitioner’ of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing.

get unstuck

Are you good? Are you bad?

Our last Playground, earlier today, was on the topic of “good/bad.”

It’s a great topic. Why? Because you are limited by that, good and bad, more than most any other adjective: you want to be good, you need to be good, you pretend to be good, you fancy yourself as a good person, you sell your soul to be thought of as good. God will let you into heaven if you are good… you go to hell if you are bad… blah, blah, blah. Lots of greed, lots of suffering around good and bad.

As a foreigner I watch it with fascination. Good and bad is worn like a uniform, covering up a ton of anxiety.


get unstuck

How your soul correction predestines you to certain diseases… and what you can do to prevent it

How being a politician, politics, the attitude is connected to disease, illness, and such?

In very simple terms, the attitude, the context inside which a “politician” lives is that an action isn’t about an action, it is about something else, preferably hidden.

Don’t be surprised if you find that your life is largely the life of a “politician” with a hidden agenda.

Before I continue, before I give you examples, let me explain why it’s important to know.

When I look at people, look at them from the inside of them… as a true empath, I find that they are split. That there is a lot of “space” between their true intention and the intention that they want others to perceive.

That split is what creates illness. The gap between the two realities: hidden agenda and projected persona.


get unstuck

3rd level?


I want to address a widespread issue I see in self-improvement with a lot of people.

People struggle, and their results are minimal, nothing to write home about. Or they get a result and then nothing… even what they got goes away.

Part of the reason you struggle, is you’re trying to advance to a level you’re not yet ready for.

Instead of trying to master one thing at a time, you try several things…

… and end up mastering none.

What are the levels I am talking about?