It helps you to bring a kind and sober eye to what you see…
But it is you who needs to do the looking.
One tool to force you to do the looking is my articles. In almost every article asks you to look at yourself, and if you told the truth, if you looked, you would see something ugly about yourself. If not, then you are lying. Those of you that got stuck at a relatively low vibration, in spite of your participation, are unwilling to look. So you lie.
What does the Unconditional Love Activator do? Will it make you love yourself?
It helps you to bring a kind and sober eye to what you see…
But it is you who needs to do the looking.
One tool to force you to do the looking is my articles. In almost every article asks you to look at yourself, and if you told the truth, if you looked, you would see something ugly about yourself. If not, then you are lying. Those of you that got stuck at a relatively low vibration, in spite of your participation, are unwilling to look. So you lie.