get unstuck

Can giving be evil?

What is desire to receive for the self alone?

I have a client who is a do-gooder. Actually I have quite a few like him. He volunteers in a nursing home, pays for people’s attachment removal, giving is never far from his mind.

So when I told him that his dominant belief that he needs to be a giver, a do-gooder, and after I pulled this dominant belief he needs to start taking care of himself, and start growing.

Now, this flies in the face of what society tells you, what the church tells you.

Society is not interested in you, it actually prefers that you are anaemic, weak, tired, and stagnant. Society doesn’t like giants.

But LIFE does.

The distinction I borrowed from Kabbalah because it feels right is “desire to receive for the self alone”.


get unstuck

The truth about erasing negativity – Updated

If you are like me, you want to feel free, at ease, full of energy, loving life. But…

The journey to freedom has been fraught with controversies…

Of all the things I’ve ever done, (outside of personal coaching), it was removing attachments, cords, curses and spells, and removing the gaping wounds of the soul fragments… that proved to be the most effective thing to turn people around, and raise their vibration.


Everyone and their brother talks about removing negativity, but they talk about this, and go about it waving a magic wand. Nothing they say works to remove negativity actually works.