get unstuck

You’d rather be right than be happy or rich…

You’d rather be right than happy, you’d rather be right than rich… Your microexpressions will give you away

I had a few remarkable experiences the past few days.

The conclusions from these experiences make me mad, angry, bitter, and hopeless… but that should not surprise you: the condition of humanity is hopeless.


get unstuck

Republished: You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want: The Nature Of Reality

You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want
Warning: this is a very advanced article. You should probably start with the easier ones if you are here for the first time. OK?
An interesting glitch in the nature of reality is that our driving desire, the answer to our dreams, the one thing that would seem to fix our complaints doesn’t fix anything.

We could say that you can’t fix what’s not broken. and actually it would be a very astute remark.

But if that is the case, that the thing we are trying to fix isn’t broken, why does it seem that, what we most complain about not having, would fix it?


get unstuck

The levels of self awareness… and your financial and relationship troubles Part 2.

Yesterday I had a marathon call with a student. It went almost three hours.

She paid for 15 minutes… and we only ended it after almost three hours, because she needed to use the bathroom and walk the dog… I was still ready to continue.
What made we want to talk to her this long?
The answer is obvious to me, but maybe not that obvious to you, so let me explain.

In every conversation you have the opportunity to observe yourself, and catch yourself in some machine-like reaction. Every time it’s a gift.